Feasibility Study

We are undertaking the necessary studies to progress the H2RESTORE Project Safely
Lochard Energy recieved funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of ARENA’s Advancing Renewables Program for an18 month feasibility study into the viability of storing hydrogen underground in our existing reserviors near our Iona Gas Storage Facility
The Feasibility Study includes the following activities:
- Further investigate the underground reservoirs to assess if hydrogen can be stored safely underground and confirm the expected quantity of hydrogen that can be stored;
- Develop concept designs for a possible pilot facility and commercial scale development;
- Assess site location options for both the pilot and commercial development concepts using a Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) and community, Traditional Owner and landholder consultation;
- Undertake stakeholder and community engagement to understand public sentiment and views that can be considered in the development of the Project; and
- Undertake economic analysis to understand commercial viability of the Project and studies to understand how the Project might commercially support the energy transition.
Next – Benefits
We believe the H2RESTORE Project could hold true potential to transform the way energy is stored and used