Lochard Energy (Iona Operations) Pty Ltd, as trustee for the Lochard Energy (Iona Operations) Trust, publishes the following information required under Part 18A of the National Gas Rules on its own behalf (and on behalf of the Part 18A service provider group) for the Iona Gas Storage Facility.
Actual Prices Payable Information
In accordance with Rule 198G of the National Gas Rules, Lochard Energy has published the following actual prices payable information for Iona Gas Storage Facility services which have been procured by users – please see: Actual prices payable information for the Iona Gas Storage Facility (2 April 2024).
The actual prices payable information above has been published using the template required by the Australian Energy Regulator. All prices are in $AUD, nominal terms and are exclusive of GST.
Historical actual prices payable information for the Iona Gas Storage Facility are published here.
Standing Terms and Price Methodology
In accordance with Rule 198F of the National Gas Rules, Lochard Energy has published the following standing terms and pricing information for the Iona Gas Storage Facility.
This information is for the standard gas storage services product provided by Lochard Energy in respect of the facility. It includes receipt and delivery of gas from / to pipelines connected to the Iona Gas Storage Facility, storage of gas in the storage reservoirs, and incidental compression used to deliver these services, as a bundled product.
Standing Terms
The current standing terms and conditions for the Iona Gas Storage Facility are set out below:
Standing terms and conditions for the Iona Gas Storage Facility (December 2023)
Standing Prices
The current standing prices for the Iona Gas Storage Facility are set out below:
Standing prices for the Iona Gas Storage Facility (December 2023)
These prices are in $AUD and are exclusive of GST.
Pricing Methodology
The current methodology used to calculate the above standing prices is set out below:
Pricing methodology for standing prices at the Iona Gas Storage Facility (December 2023)
There are no historical pricing methodologies for the standing prices.
Information last updated 16 February 2024
Historical Actual Prices Payable Information
In accordance with Rule 198G of the National Gas Rules, historical actual prices payable information for the Iona Gas Storage Facility are published below:
Actual Prices Payable 15 February 2024