Heytesbury Underground Gas Storage Project

The HUGS Project will expand the storage capacity of the Iona Gas Storage Facility

Supporting the Australian Energy Market

Lochard Energy is developing the Heytesbury Underground Gas Storage (HUGS) Project, which will expand the storage capacity of the Iona Gas Storage Facility.

As Australia’s energy market transitions away from coal-fired power generation to renewable energy, energy storage capacity of different technology types is needed to ensure a consistent and reliable supply. The development of new gas storage capacity will help ensure there is adequate winter gas for generation to support the transition away from coal.

The HUGS Project will involve the development of a new wellsite and construction of an underground pipeline (the HUGS Pipeline). The HUGS Pipeline is required to transport gas between the proposed new wellsite and the Iona Gas Storage Facility.

The HUGS project will provide additional security of supply and reliability to the eastern Australian Energy Market



The preferred route for the HUGS Pipeline has been selected and will be a 5.3km 300mm diameter underground pipeline that will connect into Iona’s existing pipeline network. 


Construction of the HUGS Pipeline requires a Pipeline Licence granted by the the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).

Lochard Energy have lodged an application for pipeline licence and the application documents are available to download below.

If you would like to submit a query regarding the pipeline application for the HUGS Project, please visit the Engage Victoria website.


In accordance with the regulator, Lochard Energy has developed a Pipeline Consultation Plan, which demonstrates how we will consult with landowners and occupiers about the proposed pipeline and meet the consultation requirements laid out in the legislation and regulations. The HUGS Pipeline Consultation Plan has been approved by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and can be accessed via the button below.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this project, please get in touch with Lochard Energy or one of the relevant Victorian regulators.

Lochard Energy

1800 848 879

[email protected]

Iona Gas Plant, 285 Waarre Road,

Port Campbell, VIC 3269

Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

0439 799 598

[email protected]


PO Box 500, East Melbourne,

VIC 8002

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV)

 03 9203 9700 or

1800 800 158 (free call)

 [email protected]


 PO Box 262, Collins St West,

VIC 8007